Quick-Turn Prototypes

Onsite Quick-Turn Prototypes
When you’re developing a new PCBA and need working prototypes in hand quickly, Altek’s SureProtoSM quick-turn prototype process will get you there on-time.
SureProtoSM is an Altek Quick-Turn proprietary process, featuring these product highlights:
- DFM Review with Vayo DMF Expert to prevent hiccups during the manufacturing process, including assessment reporting
- Expedited quoting – using automatic upload of excel BOMs
- Environmental review to ensure RoHS compliance and identify reportable SVHC’s under REACh regulation
- Priority scheduling to support your Quick-Turn delivery requirements

Be Cost Effective!
Your prototype specifications and special requirements will be documented and ready for the production run. A cohesive process of prototyping rolling into production gives you an added level of “Quality Assurance”, safe-guarding your product integrity and brand reputation.
Altek has multiple methods of testing. We offer functional, in-circuit or flying probe tests and will recommend the best solution based on your final projected market use.
Uncover hidden savings! Altek’s engineers will help you optimize your design for manufacturing at the earliest possible stage in the process, allowing you to bring your products to market faster and reducing cost as you go.
Benefits from Quick-Turn Prototyping at your Contract Manufacturer:
- Tooling – Proper tooling is in place and ready.
- Testing – Configured and ready for the production run.
- Cost Savings – Suggest layout changes for production efficiency.
- Schedule Considerations – Priority scheduling.
- Component Status – Verification, life cycle and long leads are all part of our SureProtoSM process.
Let us know what we can do to help you with all of your quick-turn prototyping needs: “Contact an Engineer”
Established in Connecticut and providing Quick-Turn Prototypes in MA, NY, NH, VT, ME, RI, PA, MD, NJ, and beyond.